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A thing (money, property, or other right) granted to another with no intent to be re-paid. A common law maxim says, "A gift is not a gift until the donor transfers possession to the donee."
God, as understood by all religions and cultures throughout history, is all that is that truly is or was or ever shall be. Many founding fathers referred to God as Providence, meaning that force (or Law) in the universe that determines supernaturally that good actions ultimately bring good results, while bad actions ultimately bring bad results. God is Law with a capital-L, Law that cannot be refuted. God is truth that overcomes falsehood (sooner or later). God is the source and sustainer of all life. God permeates all things created, yet God is not the things created but is in them. God is everywhere at all times and will be everywhere forever, rewarding good and ultimately denying prosperity to those who do evil, proving truth and revealing falsehood. God is, therefore, love itself ... eternal and unchanging. God is not the absence of God, however. God created man with free will, and in this free will man has freedom to deny God, to ignore God, to live as if there were no God. It is in this denial of God that evil breeds, for here it is that men believe they can "get away" with evil, not knowing God is real, that the Law is never violated, that Truth will always be established and falsehood revealed for what it is. Falsehood is the absence of God. The motto of our nation is, "We trust in God." This is not the proclamation of a state "religion" but the common-sense principle that wise people believe truth ultimately prevails over falsehood, that good is its own reward, and that love is better than selfishness and hate. The oath required of witnesses at trial and officers of government embarking on their careers is a restatement of our nation’s faith in God. Our prosperity as a people depends on our allegiance to the truth and our continued confidence that love will always prevail because God has ordained it to be so.
Good Faith
Some definitions of good faith explain the term as simply "honesty in fact", the practice of fair dealing, the process of doing unto others as you would want others to do unto you. Good faith arguments may be the key to winning many kinds of lawsuits.
Without consideration, e.g., in the nature of a gift that's given with nothing whatever expected in return.
Greater Weight of the Evidence
The more persuasive and convincing force and effect of the entire evidence in the case. Also called preponderance of the evidence. This is the standard of proof required in most civil cases, as opposed to that required in criminal cases where a more stringent standard applies. See burden.
A person empowered by court order to exercise part or all of the civil rights of another person called the ward. In some jurisdictions courts may appoint guardians only for those persons found to be completely incompetent or incapacitated to a plenary extent. In a growing number of jurisdictions, however, the courts may appoint guardians to exercise only part of a ward’s civil rights. In many states, a guardian can even be appointed for an unborn child.
The legal relationship between a ward, a guardian, and the court system whereby one person is authorized and empowered to exercise the civil rights of another called the ward, who in turn is deprived of the civil rights transferred to the guardian by the court. Guardianships may be plenary or partial, according to whether the guardian is authorized all or only part of a ward’s civil rights.