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How to Win in Court
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Evidence Rules

Scientist with Big Scope

The Filter that Wins Lawsuits

Everything You Need
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Your Friendly "Filter"



Evidence Rules "filter" stuff.

They filter out lies, forgeries, and other made up stuff so the court hears only relevant and reliable information so it can make proper decisions and secure Justice for good people like YOU.

Good stuff comes in.

Bad stuff stays out.

Nothing should be heard that might unjustly influence the judge or the jury.

Winning isn't just getting your stuff in.

It's mostly keeping your opponent's stuff out!

That's why you must know how to use the Evidence Rules.

If you want to win, that is.

All that "stuff" you think is evidence can't help you if it it's not admitted.

If your opponent gets his stuff in and uses the evidence rules to keep your stuff out ... well ... you lose!

Everyone who wants to win needs this class!

People often tell me, "I've got all the evidence I need."

Until it's admitted, however, it's just "stuff".

Only admissible evidence is evidence.

Your "stuff" isn't evidence unless and until it's admitted!

Your "stuff" isn't evidence unless and until it's admitted!

Your "stuff" isn't evidence unless and until it's admitted!

Dive head-first into this exciting class that will entertain and empower you. You will quickly learn how to get your stuff admitted and toss your opponent's stuff on the junk heap ... so YOU can win!

Most people (including stupid lawyers) never bother to learn these rules. And, the few who do know them have no idea how to use them effectively.

You will know in just 2 hours!

They are your friend.

They are fair.

They are the most important tool in your toolbox.

I sat through two semesters of Evidence at law school and fought with lawyers for 39 years so you can know what you will learn here in just 2 hours.

Class Includes:

Winning is Easy
Know the facts you must prove.
State the facts in your pleadings.
Prove the facts with discovery.
Move the court for judgment.
This Course Shows How

  • Admissibility of Evidence
  • Judicial Notice
  • Presumptions and How to Use Them
  • Relevance
  • Privilege
  • Competence
  • Opinion Testimony
  • Expert Testimony
  • Hearsay
  • Hearsay Exceptions
  • Authentication
  • Application of Evidence Rules Generally
  • Conclusion
  • Quiz

Do You Know Enough to Win? Test Taker

Enter your email then click the green button to take quiz.

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d/b/a Jurisdictionary®
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866-LAW-EASY ( 866-529-3279 )
19420 Heritage Harbor Parkway
Lutz, Florida 33558



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