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To render ineffective. Usually applied in reference to orders, where a subsequent order vacates a previous order. The court is saying it withdraws from its previous holding.
Venue is where a case is heard, the location where the courthouse is in which the proceedings are to be held.
Do not confuse venue with jurisdiction. They are not in any way the same thing.
To attest as true by giving one’s solemn oath or affirmance. A verified pleading or motion is one that has been sworn to or formally affirmed by the pleader, i.e., upon affidavit. Some pleadings and motions are required to be verified. Others are not. A statement made by a witness during legal proceedings is said to be verified if it is later determined to be true. Similarly, a fact is verified if the court rules that the fact is true. See finder of fact.
Another word for truth.
To make an interest fixed. An interest may vest permanently or only temporarily. Every interest is either vested or not vested at any particular moment in time. A vested interest may give a person the right to sue on his interest. A not vested interest, however certain to occur in the future, does not give that person the right to sue ... until the interest does vest. See vested interest next.
Vested Interest
A vested interest is one that is fixed in the person holding the interest. If you hold legal title to a parcel of real property, for example, you are said to have a vested interest in the property. On the other hand, if you are named as beneficiary in someone’s will, you have an interest in the person’s property, however since the person may change the will before he dies, your interest is said to be not vested. See vest.
Via Voce
Latin for "by voice". Used to describe spoken motions made in court, i.e., a via voce motion. The term, like all foreign words used in English writing, should be italicized.
Void Ab Initio
Having no legal effect from the time of its being created, i.e., from the beginning.
A contract to pay a gambling debt, for example, is void ab initio, because the courts must treat it as a nullity (unless the contract was made in a jurisdiction where gambling is permitted by law).
Voir Dire
Literally "to speak the truth". Trial lawyers may voir dire the jury or a witness to test their competence. This process is important and should be utilized whenever there is any doubt as to the competence of a witness or juror. See competent.