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Topic: Vacate unlawful foreclosure sale

Created on: 07/11/17 10:41 PM

Replies: 7


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Vacate unlawful foreclosure sale
07/11/17 10:41 PM

Does anyone have a well-developed motion to vacate an unlawful foreclosure sale that I can adapt to my facts, cases, and law? I'm in Washington State, but any will be a start. Beryl

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Joined: 11/23/13

Posts: 142

RE: Vacate unlawful foreclosure sale
07/12/17 9:29 AM

Regretfully, if you have not won BEFORE the foreclosure sale, perhaps the best you can do is file a motion for an injunction to stop the sale, IF you have provable grounds that the foreclosure was based on fraud and put that PROOF in your motion. The time to stop foreclosure is BEFORE it happens, as my course teaches, Beryl.

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RE: Vacate unlawful foreclosure sale
11/20/17 10:49 PM

Respectfully, I have followed your course to this conclusion.

Why don't you acknowledge more often how corrupt lawyers, judges--courts et al, and banks really are?

The course is helpful, but leaves a huge amount to be desired for people at risk on the land against overwhelming fraud in every department of this private corporation pretend government.

Saddest yet, Counsellor, you full well know the above is true and are withholding information we need for at least 95% success ratio in court of your students.

If you can't teach us, for unfounded fear of giving "legal advice", how in heaven's name could you teach the grit in the school systems?

Instead, get up a cause among attorneys to make courts, pretend government, and banks stay out of the face of living men and women who don't intend to be living their lives as commercial entities.

Teach people about how all are being deceived to be acting in commerce as fiction commercial entities.

Teach what's wrong with the promissory note and deed of trust and whatever mortgage instrument they have been deceived into signing.

Warn them to never go near a bank, court or other pretend government institution without first knowing the status they have deceptively been assigned.

Teach all to sign everything "All rights reserved, never knowingly waiving any. Signed under stress, duress, and coercion without full disclosure from the recipient of this signature." or similar.

Your smugness sickens me, Frederick.

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Joined: 01/24/17

Posts: 8

RE: Vacate unlawful foreclosure sale
11/21/17 1:48 AM

Beryl1, we know that not every case is winnable. Dr. Graves cannot give us his knowledge and experience. We must learn, practice and be able to accept loss. Unfortunately, this site is not mobile friendly. I am on my cell phone. Disregard typos.

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Joined: 11/23/13

Posts: 142

RE: Vacate unlawful foreclosure sale
11/28/17 9:36 AM

Beryl ...

I regret that you are angry, however my course is designed to do ONE thing and ONE thing only ... show you what tools and weapons you have to WIN YOUR CASE IN COURT.

The information you need to win IS in the course, but it is up to YOU to do the research and find grounds for your arguments.

I've worked very hard these past 20 years to create a course that has helped many thousands who cannot afford a lawyer, however your criticism of me that I do not to more to enlighten you about the evils of this world is disingenuous at best and impolite. I never promised to do more than teach you how to use the due process power of your courts to fight the evils in this world.


Please back off on the criticism that I don't do more. It is up to YOU to use the tools and weapons I give you to fight whatever evils you perceive in the world. My job is to give you those tools and weapons, the keys to due process, and thousands of subscribers have praised and thanked me for my years of hard work ... and so should YOU instead of blaming me for not doing more.

This forum is for communicating with other subscribers. Read what is said at the top of this page. I "MAY" respond to some posts as time permits, but I never promised I would respond to every post. There aren't enough hours in the day.

Be fair, please!

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RE: Vacate unlawful foreclosure sale
12/18/17 11:29 PM

Alla, with respect, a word of advice, even legal advice: Wisdom and graciousness demands that you know a situation before you allude on winnable/unwinnable cases. It seems likely that you may have not had, at the time of your 11/21 post, a legal situation where ALL the details, facts, reality, evidence and lack of it, were ALL against your opponent defendants yet, because of corrupt privileged bankers, lawyers/attorneys and their comrade judges and politicians your opponents were not only given all they wanted but were applauded, mollified, and rewarded for lawyer lying crimes--violating with impunity every part of CR 11, lawyers' and judges' (glorified lawyers) testifying for banker and fake "government" defendants, none holding the BAR accountable, thus none holding the criminal bankers and fake "government" accountable. My matter should have been resolved in my favor the first time around in 2013. Instead it has extended to 4 cases with a 5th likely, the last with me as defendant. If you know anyone facing foreclosure, or was foreclosed, get to know their facts, look at all their paperwork, eagle-eye every detail, and you will likely discover that the whole matter is crooked, whereby you can CERTAINLY, WITH THIS COURSE, assist them to a WINNABLE CASE. Be really diligent and a servant of God and your fellowmen and seek out those involved in or threatened with foreclosure, show WINNING COMPASSION and jurisPRUDENCE, like Jesus Christ, (beware of following Mr. Graves' example though follow his course--do as he says, not as he does), and see how you fare for them. Be willing to put at least 10 years to one case, but don't hesitate to take on more than one, for that will test your endurance and prove you a real champion, IF YOU BY CHANCE GET AN UPRIGHT, HONEST COURT/JUDGE. HAPPY LITIGATING this coming new year, Alla, as you pray for and extend your every effort to at least provide an encouraging word, research help, or something you are capable of by Jurisd, rather than lecture, fellow classmates. Blessings.

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RE: Vacate unlawful foreclosure sale
12/18/17 11:50 PM

Mr. Graves, would that you will put the same amount of time and energy in doing great things to hold your fellow lawyers and lawyer-judges accountable as you have to make a course for sale to us. What circumstances did you foresee that would necessitate a large number of people to require a course in law, similar to lawyers? A number large enough to make you a living on our necessity? Apologies if I am not as loving in appearance to your liking, any more than Jesus was to the pharisees and rulers when he called them whited sepulchers, filled with dead men's bones who they and their fellows murdered or wore/war to death. Follow your Lord Jesus and see where it leads you. As a lawyer, you know full well that knowledge of law and procedure and equity, tools and weapons, mean nothing in lawless courts, any more than a drop of cold water from an arsonist on the tongue of one being consumed by the fire the arsonist started and feeds. I pray for you, Mr. Graves, and wish you blessings straight from Heaven where our Lord Jesus sits in judgment with Yehovah God of spirits.

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Joined: 11/23/13

Posts: 142

RE: Vacate unlawful foreclosure sale
12/19/17 10:01 AM

I do all I can however I need thousands of my students to share the burden. I write articles to the Florida Bar complaining that they do nothing to help the indigent with legal education for the masses. I don't know how much more I can do when my students don't seem to understand how much I need the help of OTHERS to make a difference. I don't make enough money to buy billboards or run ads in major newspapers. QUESTION: What can YOU do to help me, other than telling me how much more you think I should be doing or how I should do more to advertise or whatever. What can YOU do to help me make a difference for the "little guys"? That's the big question. What will my students do to come together and get behind me and promote my work and tell the world that Justice CAN be obtained only when one knows how to overcome the In-Justice.
If you feel I don't do enough, I apologize. However, I will be 75 years old if I make it until April, and I NEED HELP FROM MY STUDENTS TO DO MORE TO PROMOTE WHAT I'VE WORKED THESE PAST 20 YEARS TO DO FOR EACH OF YOU.
... Thank you for understanding that there is just one man on this end of the keyboard. I have no help from others to do what you want me to do.
... The change you want to see requires TEAMWORK ! ! !

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