 The Official  JurisDictionary® Tactics Course
How to Win in Court
 ~ Without a Lawyer ~
( 866-529-3279 )
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  3. Takes just a few minutes to get set up.
  4. You get a unique Advertiser Link to my course.
  5. Your Link identifies YOU when people click and sign up.
  6. Here's how it works:
    • $50 each for the first 4 signups per month
    • $75 each for the next 4 signups per month
    • $100 each for all signups over 8 per month
  7. 1 signup a day gets you $2,700 per month.
  8. 4 signups each day gets you $11,400 per month.
  9. Your Advertiser Links do the work.
  10. 250 million Americans can't afford a lawyer.
  11. 250 million Americans need this course.
  12. Help them by pointing them to this website.
  13. You'll get an email report each time you make a sale.
  14. It's easy and just take a few minutes to set up.
  15. Payments are made to your PayPal account.
  16. You don't need to "embed" your link in images or words. It will work if it's just spelled out as-is. However, if you "embed" your link, as shown below, you will make more sales.
  17. Guy Waving SignEmbed your link in eye-catching graphics like this. Hover your mouse over this image to see "ZZ0001" test code at the bottom of your screen. Click this image now to open my website in a new window (close that window to return here). Scroll down in the new window to see this test code near the bottom of the page. Embed your link in an image like this, and your code will appear when you scoll down so you know you will be paid when your customers click and order.
  18. Learn how to embed your link in images using Google®. Just search for "embed link in image", and Google® will show you dozens of articles showing how.
  19. Embed your link in words, too! Hover over the underlined text here to see test code "ZZ0001" in the status line at the bottom of your screen. Click HERE to get the world's best "How To Win In Court" law course! This amazing online course showed me how to win my case in court. It was EASY! This text sells. Click it now to go to the course, then scroll down to see the test code. Use words like these to make sales and earn lots of easy money.
  20. Learn how to embed your link in text using Google®. Just search for "add link to text", and Google® will show you dozens of articles showing how.
  21. Use power-filled words.
  22. Tell people "WHY" they should Click & Sign Up.
  23. Tell people how the course is helping YOU!
  24. This image is making thousands for some of my Advertisers. This image will be sent to you each week in an email so you can right-click* the image then choose from the pull-down menu to:
    1. SAVE the image to your pictures folder to use in your advertising campaigns, OR
    2. COPY the image to your clipboard then use Ctrl-V (Cmd-V on Mac) to paste it in your advertising campaigns.
  25. Hover your mouse over this image now to see test link "ZZ0001" in the status line at the bottom of your screen. Click it to go to my website, then scroll down to see the code.
  26. This image will make you thousands!
  27. Get a QRCode for your Advertiser Link and print it on flyers and business cards. There are dozens of websites where you can convert your Advertiser Code to a QRLink they can access with their phones.
  28. START NOW!

NOTE: Before launching campaigns, TEST YOUR LINK by sending it yourself in an email. Click that link in the email to get to the course. Scroll down where you will see your personal code near the bottom of the page if your link is formatted properly (1st initial of your last name, 1st initial of your first name, and 4 numbers).

Display your Advertiser Link EVERYWHERE.

For more help email us at lawbook@jurisdictionary.com.


Get Your Advertiser Link Here - If You Don't Have One Yet


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© 1997-2025 by Dr. Frederick Graves
d/b/a Jurisdictionary®
All Rights Reserved
866-LAW-EASY ( 866-529-3279 )
19420 Heritage Harbor Parkway
Lutz, Florida 33558



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and the principles and practices of Due Process that belong to all of us.

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